import operator
import os
import platform
import socket
import subprocess
import psutil
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.distutils import cpuinfo
import platform
import cpuinfo
threads_por_nucleo = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
memoria = psutil.virtual_memory()
def display_horizontal_bar(label, value, max_value=100, bar_length=20, color='\033[0m'):
percentage = (value / max_value) * 100
bar_fill_length = int(bar_length * (percentage / 100))
bar = f"{color}|" + '=' * bar_fill_length + ' ' * (bar_length - bar_fill_length) + f'{color}|'
print(f"{label} {bar} {percentage:.2f}%\033[0m")
def get_process_states():
# Get a list of all running processes
processes = psutil.process_iter(['pid', 'name', 'status'])
# Initialize counters for different process states
running_count = 0
sleeping_count = 0
other_count = 0
# Iterate through processes and count their states
for process in processes:
status = process.info['status'].lower()
if 'running' in status:
running_count += 1
elif 'sleeping' in status:
sleeping_count += 1
other_count += 1
return running_count, sleeping_count, other_count
def get_container_info():
container_info = []
# Iterate through all running processes
for process in psutil.process_iter(['pid', 'name', 'cpu_percent']):
# Extract information for each process
pid = process.info['pid']
name = process.info['name']
cpu_percent = process.info['cpu_percent']
# Append the information to the list
container_info.append({'pid': pid, 'name': name, 'cpu_percent': cpu_percent})
except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess):
return container_info
def display_top_containers(container_info, n=3):
# Sort the container_info list based on CPU percent
sorted_containers = sorted(container_info, key=operator.itemgetter('cpu_percent'), reverse=True)
# Display information for the top N containers
print(f"Top {n} containers by CPU usage:")
for i, container in enumerate(sorted_containers[:n], 1):
print(f"{i}. PID: {container['pid']}, Name: {container['name']}, CPU Usage: {container['cpu_percent']:.2f}%")
def get_running_processes():
# Using list comprehension to get information about all running processes
return [proc.info for proc in psutil.process_iter(['pid', 'name', 'username'])]
def get_tcp_connections():
connections = psutil.net_connections(kind='inet')
return connections
def get_cpu_info():
cpu_info = {}
# Get generic information about the CPU using platform
cpu_info['architecture'] = platform.architecture()
cpu_info['machine'] = platform.machine()
cpu_info['processor'] = platform.processor()
# Get detailed CPU information using cpuinfo
return cpu_info
def display_cpu_info(cpu_info):
print("CPU Information:")
print(f"Architecture: {cpu_info.get('architecture', 'N/A')}")
print(f"Machine: {cpu_info.get('machine', 'N/A')}")
print(f"Processor: {cpu_info.get('processor', 'N/A')}")
print(f"Brand: {cpu_info.get('brand_raw', 'N/A')}")
f"Model: {cpu_info.get('brand_raw', 'N/A')} {cpu_info.get('family', 'N/A')} {cpu_info.get('model', 'N/A')} ({cpu_info.get('arch', 'N/A')})")
# Check if the key 'hz_advertised_raw' exists before accessing it
if 'hz_advertised_raw' in cpu_info:
clock_speed_ghz = cpu_info['hz_advertised_raw'][0] / 1e6
print(f"Clock Speed: {clock_speed_ghz:.2f} GHz")
print("Clock Speed: N/A")
print(f"Cores: {cpu_info.get('count', 'N/A')}")
def procesesRunning():
# Get and print information about all running processes
running_processes = get_running_processes()
# Print the information without a separate loop
print("\n".join([f"PID: {process['pid']}, Name: {process['name']}, User: {process['username']}" for process in running_processes]))
battery = psutil.sensors_battery()
plugged = battery.power_plugged
percent = str(battery.percent)
plugged = "Plugged In" if plugged else "Not Plugged In"
while ans:
1. Hilos por nucleo
2. Memoria Total, Memoria Diponible y Porcentaje de memoria utilizada
3. Modulo OS
4. Informacion sobre drives en el sistema
5. El estado de bateria
6. Procesos activados
7. El uso del CPU, memoria y swap
8. Lista de connecciones TPC
9. Temperatura
10. Socket info
11. Modulo de plataforma
12. Numero de precesos activos,dormidos y otros
13. Mostar Contenedores sorteados por CPU
14. Informacion del CPU
ans=input("Elige que tipo de informacio deseas saber:")
if ans=="1":
print(f"Tu procesador tiene {threads_por_nucleo} hilos por núcleo.")
elif ans=="2":
print(f"Memoria total: {memoria.total} bytes")
print(f"Memoria disponible: {memoria.available} bytes")
print(f"Porcentaje de memoria utilizada: {memoria.percent}%")
elif ans=="3":
cpu_count = os.cpu_count()
print(f"CPU Count: {cpu_count}")
current_directory = os.getcwd()
print(f"Current Directory: {current_directory}")
elif ans == "4":
result = subprocess.run(['powershell', 'Get-PSDrive'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
elif ans == "5":
print(percent+'% | '+plugged)
elif ans == "6":
elif ans == "7":
cpu_usage = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1)
memory_info = psutil.virtual_memory()
swap_info = psutil.swap_memory()
display_horizontal_bar('CPU', cpu_usage, color='\033[91m')
display_horizontal_bar('Memoria', memory_info.percent, color='\033[94m')
display_horizontal_bar('Swap', swap_info.percent, color='\033[92m')
elif ans =="8":
if __name__ == "__main__":
tcp_connections = get_tcp_connections()
for connection in tcp_connections:
print(f"Local Address: {connection.laddr}")
print(f"Remote Address: {connection.raddr}")
print(f"Status: {connection.status}")
elif ans=="9":
temperatures = psutil.sensors_temperatures()
for name, entries in temperatures.items():
for entry in entries:
print(f"{name}: {entry.label} - {entry.current}°C")
except AttributeError:
print("la informacion sobre temeratura no esta disponible ens ete sitema")
elif ans == "10":
hostname = socket.gethostname()
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
print(f"Hostname: {hostname}")
print(f"IP Address: {ip_address}")
elif ans == "11":
system_info = platform.system()
release_info = platform.release()
print(f"System: {system_info}")
print(f"Release: {release_info}")
elif ans == "12":
running, sleeping, other = get_process_states()
print(f"Processos activos: {running}")
print(f"procesos dormiendo: {sleeping}")
print(f"Otros procesos: {other}")
elif ans =="13":
container_info = get_container_info()
elif ans =="14":
cpu_info = get_cpu_info()
elif ans =="0":
print("\n Adios")
ans = None
print("\n no es una pocion valida")